setup-storage with 3ware controller and additional drives

Michał Dwużnik michal.dwuznik at
Mon Jan 9 15:11:03 CET 2012

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 14:48, Carsten Aulbert
<Carsten.Aulbert at> wrote:
> Hi
> On Monday 09 January 2012 14:43:17 Michał Dwużnik wrote:
>> by path is ok after reboots, even after disk change
> Yeah, but I'm fearing a student exchanging the motherboard and putting the
> 3ware card into a different slot afterwards - should not happen, but might :(
You actually CAN protect against that, I think:
3ware won't ever be on pci 0000:00,
'internal' disks won't ever be on pci 0000:0[123456789]

Fortunately even after changing the mainboard internal controllers are
still internal.
Should be ok unless you add a third disk controller to the mix (I
would make an experiment with USB thumbdrive
just in case)

LVM could help in mapping, too (but I think you want to setup storage
from scratch, without existing LVM)


PS:If you get it ready in FAI I would really like to see the configs,
as I'm replying
on the basis of 'generic' thinking, which may not fully map (pun
intended) to FAI.

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