additions to passwd and fstab won't work

Frank Lienhard frank at
Fri Jan 6 22:12:20 CET 2012

On 01/06/2012 09:49 PM, Thomas Lange wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 06 Jan 2012 21:29:39 +0100, Frank Lienhard<frank at>  said:
>      >  ##! /bin/bash
> Mmmm, two hashes are wrong IMO.
OK, but that won't explain the errors of unsupported ASCII signs, which 
onlay apear when using Vars (meens $ sign)
>      >  rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,nodev,nosuid 0 0">>
>      >  $target/etc              /fstab
> Why is there a tab or blank between etc and /fstab
that's a copy paste error, sorry. (cr iineed)
>      >  Do I miss something? Am I doing it the compleetls wrong way?
> No, this is not completly wrong.
maybe ${target} instead of $target ?

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