micro-patch for setup-storage

Thomas Neumann blacky+fai at fluffbunny.de
Wed Aug 22 18:23:06 CEST 2012

[I have written a different mail to Brian off-list in between.]

Brian Kroth <bpkroth at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm running into this issue too, but the patches didn't help.  There's 
> also a Prototype mismatch error dumped out by perl, but that doesn't 
> seem to be related from my reading so far.  Attached is some debug 
> output.
> In my case there's an existing disk structure and a preserve_reinstall 
> in the disk_config, but there's also the initial flag on boot, so it 
> should just wipe it and start over.  Instead it's bailing on some sort 
> of cmd processing sanity check.

There's something seriously wrong going on with setup-storage. I took your
config and modified some lines. For example:

 vg_system-fscache /mtvar/cache/mt2fscache 2G-3G ext4 rw,errors=panic,relatime,user_xattr

I removed any 'strange' stuff like tune- and create-opts and also changed
some names. This results in:

 'Cannot satisfy pre-depends for true: [...], self_cleared_fscache, self_cleared_local.hd, [...]'

As I have modified the names in the diskconfig 'fscache' must be the name of
the logical volume. However I cannot find a place where such a pre-depend is
set[1]. The closest thing is 'self_cleared_/dev/$vg/$lv' and this pre-depend
_is_ available ('self_cleared_/dev/vg_system/fscache',

a) This is totally correct, but nobody provides 'self_cleared_$lv'.

b) Something is wrong, this pre-depend should not exist.

c) ?

If a) is true, then I think there's another bug if you decide to name two LVs
in two different volume groups the same way. What does self_cleared_$lv refer
to then?

I'm currently experimenting with this attached patch, which simply logs and
ignores any 'self_cleared_[a-z.]' dependencies. This makes the resolver finish
successfully, but afterwards there's this little gem:

 wipefs -a vg_system/fscache
 Command had non-zero exit code

Erm. 'vg_system/fscache'??? The previous command was 'wipefs -a /dev/sda1'.
wipefs requires a device name as it's argument. Where did '/dev/' go?


[1] Well it could be 'join(",self_cleared_", @{ $FAI::current_dev_children{"/dev/$vg/$lv"} })'
    but I haven't looked into what this variable is resulting in yet.
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