Install Client with more than one NIC

Carsten Aulbert Carsten.Aulbert at
Wed Apr 18 12:07:52 CEST 2012


On Wednesday 18 April 2012 11:45:37 Denny Schierz wrote:
> I red in the Fai Wiki, that there is no fixed solution for installing
> clients on eth1, eth2 ... at this time. Is that an old entry, or is there
> a solution, which isn't documented ?

We solved it by patching the NFS-root (live-tools IIRC), but I would need to 
dig it up.

It involved using IPAPPEND2 (not 3) in the pxelinux.cfg boot file, to "force" 
the NFS mount to go to the PXE iface.

If no one else comes up with a solution, I can try to dig out what we did (but 
that might take a while).



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