How to handle large number of disk devices in "arbitrary" order?

Thomas Lange lange at
Tue Nov 15 11:14:09 CET 2011

>>>>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:54:24 +0100, Carsten Aulbert <carsten at> said:

    > We have a couple of machines with a largish number of disk drives (currently 
    > up to 48) plus one or more "flash drives" - could be USB thumb drive, SATA 
    > disk on module, SSD, whatever. Of course the order in which these are detected 
    > is not always guaranteed to be the same which makes using setup-storage 
    > cumbersome and/or impossible to partition/install.

    > What would be the proper way to address this problem in FAI 3.4.8 if any? 

A different approach is to manipulate the shell variable $disklist.
This variable is used by setup-storage and can be set by any script
called class/*.var or class/*.source

In such a script you could do anything that ensures the variable
$disklist lists the DOM device as the first disk.

P.S.: In the past, the disks in $disklist are only allowed to be
separated by newline. This patch fixes it:

regards Thomas

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