New issues with setup storage - disc too small

David Dreezer dave at
Thu Mar 17 07:32:56 CET 2011

root at fw1dv:~# parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart logical "" 144249984B 2281724927B
Error: You requested a partition from 144MB to 2282MB.
The closest location we can manage is 2282MB to 2282MB.

root at fw1dv:~# parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart logical "" 134250496B 2281724927B
Error: You requested a partition from 134MB to 2282MB.
The closest location we can manage is 2282MB to 2282MB.

> I can try more in the morning. I've got to quit for the night if I will make it to work tomorrow.
> Ok, let's go for something weird:
> Try 
> parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart logical "" 144249984B 2281724927B
> instead of the last parted command (that's just a higher start byte). Would that
> work? If it does, could you find out which bytes work and which don't (you'll
> have to remove the partition again or just redo the same sequence of commands
> several times, the sleep can probably be dropped).
> Thanks a lot,
> Michael

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