New issues with setup storage - disc too small

David Dreezer dave at
Thu Mar 17 04:21:11 CET 2011

> Ok, fine, at least the commands are getting executed again. One basic question:
> has this system + this configuration ever worked with setup-storage? If yes, any
> clue which version that was. Although there is no archive of experimental
> versions its possible to reproduce an earlier state by building from an SVN
> revision of choice.
Build 48 is the last version that i can remember working with this exact config. Build 54 is where the disk too small issues started. You provided a patch that made it work again on the 8th. build 61 was the next build I tried, which broke it in new ways ;)

> [...]

I'll try all of these requests. Gnight!

> Thereby, if it's setup-storage's fault, we should be able to nail down which
> command is causing the trouble.
> Thanks a lot for your efforts,
> Michael

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