New issues with setup storage - disc too small

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Wed Mar 16 19:08:06 CET 2011

> On 03/16/11 15:31, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> >Hmm, ok, --wait-clean isn't supported in lenny. Could you give experimental68
> >another try? I've removed that option now.
> You hit it! 1k mega-points to you, sir! =)
> I've tried Squeeze and Lenny installs on both a workstation,
> RAID+LVM and preserve_always:vg0-home, and on a server with a single
> disk disk_config (hardware RAID) with great success!

Finally! Thanks a lot for all the patience and the testing and the nice donation
and the feedback!!

Let's just hope that David will have the same sense of achievement once he gets
to testing the latest version.

Best regards,

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