debian 6
Jens Abromeit
jens at
Sun Mar 6 14:37:06 CET 2011
Thomas Lange wrot on Friday, the 4th of February 2011
zu: debian 6
>>>>>> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:41:42 +0100, Natxo Asenjo <natxo.asenjo at> said:
> My strategy is to still use a lenny install server but I upgraded my
> lenny config space to support lenny and squeeze installation. This
> needed some time but in the end is wasn't that much to change or add.
This would be my preferred way of adding squeeze also.
I wrote down the things as far as I can see them now and what
I could I see on a test FAI server with Squeeze.
Missing parts, corrections and comments are welcome!
Answers to my requests, would be nice! ;->
Actually I'm using the 3.3.5 FAI version for Lenny on a server based
on Lenny.
Thank you & all in advance
Best Regards
Using FAI 3.3.5 for Debian Lenny and FAI 3.4.7 for Squeeze
simultanous on a Lenny server
Version: 0.1
Date: 2011-03-06
Status: 1st attempt
0. Make a backup of all important directories
1. Add squeeze repository to the /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb lenny koeln
deb squeeze koeln
2. Install the new Squeeze FAI 3.4.7
additionally to the working Lenny3.3.5
This will not work, because then the existing 3.3.5 version will be
aptitude -t squeeze install fai-quickstart fai-client
With the download option, the packages are on the hard disk in
aptitude -t squeeze -d fai-quickstart fai-client
I could copy the packages for example to
Then I could use dpkg-deb --extract fai-client fai-doc fai-server fai-setup-storage
REQUEST 1: Is there a smarter way to extract the DEB-packages for FAI 3.4.7
REQUEST 2: Do you have a suggestion where to place the files and dirs
~~~~~~~~~~ of FAI 3.4.7, so that it works fine and that no unintented
interaction with 3.3.5 or vice versa happens...
3. Modify Debmirror
#If installing x64 Systems use:
debmirror $destdir/debian-security $allopt -r debian-security $sect -d squeeze/updates
Taking care of sufficient diskspace, because Squeeze contains a lot of
new stuff. A mirror of i386 squeeze and lenny needs around 53 GB.
4. Copy old /etc/fai to /etc/fai-squeeze and modify config files
/etc/fai-squeeze/apt/sources.list --> Changed lenny entries to squeeze
Take the new FAI deb download URL
/etc/fai-squeeze/fai.conf --> If a new partition has to be selected
regarding disk space also change this here
Take care of /etc/exports for NFS!
/etc/fai-squeeze/make-fai-nfsroot.conf --> Change to squeeze:
# Create the new dir
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="squeeze http://myhostname/debmirror/debian"
Request 3:
be the same for squeeze and lenny without hazzle?
/etc/fai-squeeze/NFSROOT --> changed to squeeze:
Important: aufs-modules-*" packages now longer exists in squeeze
I have changed kernel package in 'PACKAGES aptitude I386' on a test
FAI to:
linux-image-2.6-686 firmware-linux
Important: For several network cards the package firmware-linux is
needed. It is a meta-package which contains "firmware-linux-free"
an "firmware-linux-nonfree"
Request 4:
Could Lenny and Squeeze share the config space, e.g. below
Or are there some changes to make?
5. Change the package list:
# dash is now the default shell in squeeze
# grub2 is now the default boot loader in squeeze
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