disk partitioning (again)

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Thu Jul 14 22:49:14 CEST 2011

Hi again,

Just two more notes.

> That seems to have done the trick. I made the range for the root
> partition 20G-500G hoping that will make it take up whatever is left
> after preserving the ntfs partition and swap. We'll see, I'm doing
> an install now.

Using only "20G-" (i.e., without the 500G upper bound) will make it use whatever
is available, even on drives that have more than 500G of space.

> 2. You can run setup-storage at the command line to test your config files:
> # setup-storage -d -f vv507g
> This is safe. It doesn't do anything unless you pass the -x flag.

It's -X (uppercase), FWIW :-)

Hope this helps,

PS.: The intention of setup-storage is indeed to be a tool for "partitioning
monkeys", meaning that you shouldn't need to know much about partitioning, just
specify what you'd like to have. Arguably, there is room for improvements,
suggestions are always welcome!

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