Updated FAI 3.3.5 packages for Ubuntu Lucid

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Thu Sep 16 08:26:35 CEST 2010

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 15:21:35 -0700
andrew bezella <abezella at archive.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 23:57 +0200, Michael Prokop wrote:
> [...] 
> > Thanks to the work by Julien BLACHE the situation of klibc-utils
> > improved a lot with package version 1.5.20-1. If anyone still
> > notices any problems WRT DHCP stuff in initramfs that's something we
> > can and should address right now, but a switch isn't a good and
> > valid option for now IMO.
> fwiw i was seeing frequent ipconfig hangs with the klibc-utils from
> lucid.  based on this thread i pulled in klibc-utils 1.5.20-1 and
> recreated the nfsroot.  this appears to have eliminated the problem.

I'm not into klibc in general, but is it possible to pinpoint the
changes in ipconfig or whereever and somehow produce a patch which we
could propose as SRU for Lucid?

Thinking of 5 years support of Lucid on a server, it would be worth.

Help is appreciated :)



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