Updated FAI 3.3.5 packages for Ubuntu Lucid

andrew bezella abezella at archive.org
Thu Sep 16 00:21:35 CEST 2010

On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 23:57 +0200, Michael Prokop wrote:
> Thanks to the work by Julien BLACHE the situation of klibc-utils
> improved a lot with package version 1.5.20-1. If anyone still
> notices any problems WRT DHCP stuff in initramfs that's something we
> can and should address right now, but a switch isn't a good and
> valid option for now IMO.

fwiw i was seeing frequent ipconfig hangs with the klibc-utils from
lucid.  based on this thread i pulled in klibc-utils 1.5.20-1 and
recreated the nfsroot.  this appears to have eliminated the problem.



andrew bezella <abezella at archive.org>
Internet Archive

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