installing squeeze with lenny nfsroot issues policy-rc.d

Rudy Gevaert Rudy.Gevaert at
Fri Sep 10 10:43:30 CEST 2010

Hi list,

I'm trying (and partly succeeded) in getting FAI (3.3.3+experimental9) 
running on lenny to install squeeze.

I've done such constructions before, using sarge nfsroot to install etch 
and lenny, mixing 32 and 64 bit. And so on ;)

I set out to do the same exercise again for squeeze.

I used pbuilder to create a base tar gz file.

During the further setup I saw that ifupdown and man package were not 
installed in the base image

I also noticed that grub had changed to grub2 in squeeze.

All these things can be worked around.

The current issue I'm now facing is that /sbin/policy-rc.d was left on 
my system.

I saw in the fai changelog that support for policy-rc.d was added. 
However it's not clear to my how and what the effects are.

It seems to me that after the installation the file needs to be deleted. 
  I can put this in a script or hook.

But shouldn't fai already have taken care of that?  Did it do that 
before with Lenny?  Or is this fixed in a newer version?



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