How safely partition disks in a multipath environment? (setup-storage)

Rudy Gevaert Rudy.Gevaert at
Tue Oct 5 16:53:05 CEST 2010

On 09/10/2010 05:49 PM, Peter Bittner wrote:
> Great, I kind of made it. Not easy to find out how to check what paths
> are not accessible (i.e. which disks get a read error when setup-storage
> goes over them.
>> I think the most promising way would be a hook that modifies the contents of the
>> "disklist" variable. By default, its contents is determined by reading
>> /proc/partitions in FAI's disk-info script. If you add a hook
>> partition.DEFAULT.source that changes $disklist in an appropriate way I guess
>> you should readily get some reliable results.
> For everyone interested, here is my solution:

Strangely enough I had the some problem several weeks ago.  I also set 
out to overwrite the disklist variable.  My solution is a bit different 

I have an environment variable that can set the allowed disk types 
(model vendor pair) for a class or a specific machine.

In the hook I use this information to construct the correct disk list.

I have attached the hook, in my CLASS.var file I have:

valid_disks[1]="PERC 6/i DELL"

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Name: partition.UGENT.source

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