gpg errors

Martin Konrad konrad at
Tue Nov 9 21:45:05 CET 2010

I'm experiencing GPG errors for third party repositories while running 
make-fai-nfsroot although I installed those keys:

$ apt-key list
pub   1024D/AB9B66FD 2000-08-18
uid                  Thomas Lange <lange at>
uid                  Thomas Lange <lange at>
sub   1024g/F526E7DB 2000-08-18

$ fai-setup
Creating FAI nfsroot in /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir.
By default it needs more than 380 MBytes disk space.
This may take a long time.
Creating base system using debootstrap version 1.0.25
Calling debootstrap squeeze /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir
Creating base.tgz
Upgrading /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir
W: GPG error: squeeze Release: The following signatures 
couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 
cp: cannot stat `/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/boot/vmlinu?-*': No such 
file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/boot/initrd.img-*': No 
such file or directory
DHCP environment prepared. If you want to use it, you have to enable the dhcpd 
and the tftp-hpa daemon.
ERROR: No initrd installed.

It seems the keys are not available if I chroot to the NFSROOT. Maybe that's 
why the script failes?


Dipl. Phys. Martin Konrad
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Kernphysik
Schlossgartenstr. 9
64289 Darmstadt
Tel: 06151-16-5121
Fax: 06151-16-4321

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