[softupdate] force-confnew on specific package.

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Fri Mar 19 01:18:46 CET 2010

> Hi!
> I just stubled over [1] and wonder how one can set "--force-confnew"
> when attempting a softupdate on a specific package.
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=313397
> For now I've created /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90mypackage:
> DPkg
> {
>    Options {"--force-confnew";}
> }
> So the question is: how do I set this option on a specific package
> just for a softupdate. (I would like to have this file removed after softupdate.)
> Do I have to write a hook to remove this file afterwards?

As you only want this for a single package and only once, I'd suggest you create
a hook instsoft.FOO (for a proper class FOO) that does

- create 90mypackage with the above contents
- apt-get install theonepackage
- rm 90mypackage


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