setup-storage and preserving partitions

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at
Fri Jun 18 17:11:06 CEST 2010

Hello again!

I think I already solved the previous one. I was trying to preserve
partition 3, which is the extended partition. Still, setup-storage
should not crash on this, but handle such situation gracefully.

After removing "3" from the "preserve_always" list, I am now seeing what
I think is another bug.

In my disk layout, partition 4 is the primary partition physically at
the end of the disk (a Windows recovery partition from the laptop
manufacturer). The logical partitions are situated between the primary
parititions 2 and 4 and are numbered 5, 6, etc.

It seems that setup-storage cannot handle the situation where partition
5 starts before partition 4 ends, even though they do not overlap
(partition 5 ends before 4 starts). The check is in line 319 in
my version.

A full debug output is attached.

Toomas Tamm

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