setup-storage and encrypted LVM

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at
Wed Jun 16 09:35:20 CEST 2010


I'd like to (almost) fully encrypt a system using LUKS and LVM. That is,
one small unencrypted /boot and a large partition, which is encrypted
with luks, which in turn is the physical volume for the LVM containg
several LVs. My disk config looks like this:

disk_config disk1 disklabel_msdos bootable:1
primary /boot 300 ext3 -
logical - 1024- - -

disk_config cryptsetup
luks - /dev/sda5 - -

disk_config lvm
vg vg1 *missing*
vg1-root / 10240 ext4 rw,errors=remount-ro
vg1-swap swap 2048 swap defaults
vg1-tmp /tmp 1024 ext3 defaults
vg1-home /home 1024- ext4 defaults

What am I supposed to put as *missing*? In other words, how do I
reference the encrypted LUKS partition?


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