FAI 3.3.5 for Ubuntu Lucid

Robert Markula robert.markula at gmx.net
Sun Jul 11 19:11:07 CEST 2010

Hi Stephan,
hey great, I was just about to ask something regarding FAI and Lucid.
I'm curious; what are the main differences to "stock" FAI?


linux-fai-request at uni-koeln.de wrote:
> I'm happy to announce the very first iteration of FAI 3.3.5 on Ubuntu Lucid.
> As FAI right now is not in the official repositories of Ubuntu, please check the 
> instructions of the FAI Personal Package Archive on Launchpad.
> https://launchpad.net/~fai/+archive/ppa/+packages
> You can find everything there.
> Please test it extensively
> As there is no possibility right now to file bugs against this PPA please file 
> bugs via email fai at sourcecode.de
> Thx for your help,
> \sh

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