RAID1 and grub - again

Darshaka Pathirana dpat at
Fri Jan 22 16:32:54 CET 2010


I am absolutely aware that this question must have been asked a zillion times
but I still need to ask:

What is the "preferred" way to install grub (-legay|-pc) on a 
LVM-on-RAID-system with a separate boot-partition?

The disk_config looks like this:

# example of new config file for setup-storage
# <type> <mountpoint> <size>   <fs type> <mount options> <misc options>

disk_config sda bootable:1
primary  -             250         -     -
primary  -             1500-       -     -

disk_config sdb bootable:1
primary  -             250         -     -
primary  -             1500-       -     -

disk_config raid
raid1 /boot  sda1,sdb1                  ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro
raid1 -      sda2,sdb2                  -    -

disk_config lvm
vg host md1
host-root  /       250-      ext3  rw,errors=remount-ro
host-swap  swap    250-1000  swap  sw
host-var   /var    500-2G    ext3  rw createopts="-m15" tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
host-tmp   /tmp    250-1000  ext3  rw createopts="-m1"  tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
host-usr   /usr    500-3G    ext3  rw                   tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
host-home  /home   100-2G    ext3  rw,nosuid  createopts="-m1" tuneopts="-c0 -i10"

In fai- I added the class "NOMBR" which at least gave me a
booting system but grub failed to install into sdb. (So I had to
manually install grub into sdb).

The only (really relevant) things I've found regarding RAID+GRUB are:


I also just installed fai-3.3.2 and updated my config with the
examples provided by "fai-doc".

And I also just tried "GRUB_PC" which failed to install a working boot
menu. (I have to admit: I am completely new to grub-pc and never used
it before so it may need aditional tweaking.)

So to make a long question short and before struging any further: does
anyone have a working setup and can point me into the right direction,
please?! (Does FAI+lilo+RAID+LVM work?)

Thx for any help!

 - Darsha

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