How do I call fai-mirror so it doesn't mix the dists?

Peter Bittner peter.bittner at
Mon Jan 18 17:06:44 CET 2010

(I apologize in advance if this question is not directly and only
related to FAI, but more of a general Debian question...) 

I'm installing systems from a USB stick with the FAI version 3.3, and I
use fai-mirror to create a partial mirror of the packages I need for
installation from the USB stick. I do use package from main, non-free,
and a "private" repository (which is kind of "handmade" on the FAI
server where I run fai-mirror).

What I would like to end up with is a partial mirror with the repository
pools and dists physically separated, but fai-mirror (or apt-move?)
mixes them all together.

More precisely, in /path/to/usb/live/filesystem.dir/media/mirror/dists
there is only a "lenny" directory, whereas
in /path/to/usb/live/filesystem.dir/media/mirror/pool there are at least
two, a "main" and a "non-free" directory. My private repository is
swallowed and integrated into the lenny pool and dist.

Any idea how to fix this?

Cheers, Peter

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