GRML-Kernel, make-nfs-root and initrd

Darshaka Pathirana dpat at
Wed Feb 17 13:33:56 CET 2010

On 02/16/2010 02:50 PM, Thomas Lange wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 14:37:38 +0000, Darshaka Pathirana <dpat at> said:
>     > Isn't it possible to let the initrd be created by the postinst-script
>     > from the kernel-package without using the hook-script?
> I think it's because the grml kernel package was not build using --initrd.
> I hope this is fixed in the next version.


Some notes on the guide:

+ Just figured out that the grml-kernel is already included in the
FAI-repository. So steps 2 and 3 are not necessary anymore.

+ But if you do so it should be noted that by adding the given line into
apt.conf your nfsroot will not install the latest FAI package. (You'll
get the Debian/stable version of FAI.)

I think a apt-pinning would be more appropriate to lower the
grml-stable priority. Something like:

cat $FAI_ETC_DIR/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: release a=grml-stable
Pin-Priority: 300

+ NFSROOT_HOOKS seems to be broken in FAI 3.3.3. I believe this commit
is causing the error:



# ls /etc/fai/nfsroot-hooks/*


# ls /etc/fai/nfsroot-hooks/* 2>/dev/null | egrep '^[[:alnum:]_.-]+$'

is empty.

(Maybe you are trying to match the basename instead of the full path?)

 - Darsha

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