How do I call fai-mirror so it doesn't mix the dists?

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Thu Feb 4 20:45:16 CET 2010

> (I apologize in advance if this question is not directly and only
> related to FAI, but more of a general Debian question...) 
> I'm installing systems from a USB stick with the FAI version 3.3, and I
> use fai-mirror to create a partial mirror of the packages I need for
> installation from the USB stick. I do use package from main, non-free,
> and a "private" repository (which is kind of "handmade" on the FAI
> server where I run fai-mirror).
> What I would like to end up with is a partial mirror with the repository
> pools and dists physically separated, but fai-mirror (or apt-move?)
> mixes them all together.
> More precisely, in /path/to/usb/live/filesystem.dir/media/mirror/dists
> there is only a "lenny" directory, whereas
> in /path/to/usb/live/filesystem.dir/media/mirror/pool there are at least
> two, a "main" and a "non-free" directory. My private repository is
> swallowed and integrated into the lenny pool and dist.
> Any idea how to fix this?

I'm not quite sure why you need to have them separated at all, but you probably
have some good reason to do so. Anyway, probably you use lenny and main or
non-free yourself in the Release file of your "handmade" archive. Changing this
should probably do the trick.


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