FAI 3.3.3 released

Per Foreby perf at ddg.lth.se
Wed Feb 3 16:52:48 CET 2010

Thomas Lange wrote:

> FAI 3.3.3 is running with Ubuntu lucid

Great news!

Will the packages make it into the Ubuntu repository? If so, when?

Does it require a Ubuntu nfsroot, or will it work as well with a Debian
nfsroot + Ubuntu basefile?

I'm currently installing jaunty from a lenny server with a debian
nfsroot, and I have only had two easily fixed problems:

  # The Debian kernel (used during installation) and the Ubuntu kernel
  # don't agree on device names
  { ${target}/etc/fstab
    ReplaceAll '/dev/hdc' With '/dev/sda'
  # Udev should create this dir, but doesn't
  { ${target}/etc/init.d/networking
    LocateLineMatching "^start\)"
    IncrementPointer "1"
    BeginGroupIfNoMatch ".*mkdir.*"
      IncrementPointer "-1"
      InsertLine '      mkdir -p /var/run/network'

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