my fai-setup.log

mamadou diop diopmodou8 at
Mon Aug 23 13:03:35 CEST 2010

Thank you Robert. I have replaced hardy by jaunty and the problem persists.
I'm going to give up
fai-mirror and take a script that Stephan Hermann gave me.

2010/8/23 Robert Markula <robert.markula at>

> Hi,
> mamadou diop wrote:
> > Thnk you Robert. The contents of my 'make-fai-nfsroot' are:
> [...]
> > FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP  = "hardy"
> [...]
> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP tells FAI not only where to get the packages for
> building the NFSROOT, but also which release to use. The above line
> tells FAI to build a 'hardy' NFSROOT, that's why you see the wrong
> distribution release in your mirror. For jaunty the line should read:
> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP  = "jaunty"
> Cheers,
> Robert
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