Re^2: Howto use actual FAI 3.3.5 instead of 3.2.17 while creating nfs-root-filesystem?

Jens Abromeit jens at
Thu Apr 29 10:17:32 CEST 2010

Hello Thomas,

you wrote:

>There _are_ Packages[.*] files. Just add this line to

>deb lenny koeln

>then you will get the newest FAI version 3.3.5.

I added additionally /etc/fai-i386/apt/apt.conf with this settings:

Acquire::http::Proxy::[local FQDN of local debmirror] "DIRECT";
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://[internal IP of proxy]:[Port]";

So everything except the FAI Repository is accessed locally without the
proxy. I dissmissed the idea to add the FAI-repository the local debmirror
with mkdebmirror or apt-mirror.

Thank you for your assistance!

Best Regards


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