setup-storage: set vgname to hostname

Darshaka Pathirana dpat at
Thu Sep 24 10:47:50 CEST 2009


I have the following disk_config-layout using setup-storage:

| disk_config sda bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid
| primary  /boot         250       ext3  rw
| primary  -             1500-       -     -
| disk_config lvm
| vg faiclient sda2
| faiclient-root  /       250-      ext3  rw,errors=remount-ro
| faiclient-swap  swap    250-1000  swap  sw
| faiclient-var   /var    500-2G    ext3  rw createopts="-m15" tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| faiclient-tmp   /tmp    250-1000  ext3  rw createopts="-m1"  tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| faiclient-usr   /usr    500-3G    ext3  rw                   tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| faiclient-home  /home   100-2G    ext3  rw,nosuid  createopts="-m1" tuneopts="-c0 -i10"

Is there a way to set the vg-name same as the current hostname?
Something like this (which does NOT work):

| disk_config sda bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid
| primary  /boot         250       ext3  rw
| primary  -             1500-       -     -
| disk_config lvm
| vg $HOSTNAME sda2
| $HOSTNAME-root  /       250-      ext3  rw,errors=remount-ro
| $HOSTNAME-swap  swap    250-1000  swap  sw
| $HOSTNAME-var   /var    500-2G    ext3  rw createopts="-m15" tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| $HOSTNAME-tmp   /tmp    250-1000  ext3  rw createopts="-m1"  tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| $HOSTNAME-usr   /usr    500-3G    ext3  rw                   tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
| $HOSTNAME-home  /home   100-2G    ext3  rw,nosuid  createopts="-m1" tuneopts="-c0 -i10"

Thanks for any hints!

Greetings && thx for all your work,
 - Darsha

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