Mixed Etch and Lenny? How to...

Robert Markula robert.markula at gmx.net
Fri Sep 18 08:06:26 CEST 2009

Holger Parplies wrote:
>> say, you have your configspace in /srv/fai/config/, then you'd copy your
>> base.tar.gz to /srv/fai/config/basefiles/MYCLASS.tar.gz, where MYCLASS
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> obviously is the name of the class that will use this custom base.tar.gz.
> just to make it perfectly clear, from what I've read on the list, it really
> needs to be MYCLASS.tar.gz - MYCLASS.tgz will not be recognized (even though
> it's base.tgz, not base.tar.gz).

That's correct.

> I believe it has been suggested that FAI should recognize both MYCLASS.tar.gz
> and MYCLASS.tgz, but I'm not sure if (and in which version of FAI) that has
> been implemented yet.

I agree, that would be less confusing.


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