Mixed Etch and Lenny? How to...

Robert Markula robert.markula at gmx.net
Thu Sep 17 18:49:10 CEST 2009

Leen Smit wrote:
> Michael,
> Thats the confusing part, since I dont have a basefiles dir anywhere..
> If I understand everything correctly, I can simply create this, and place (eg.) 
> LENNY.tgz in there. Then the Class LENNY will pick up this file?
> What happens to Etch in this case, must I place it in there too, or will any 
> class missing the Class.tgz automagicly revert to the base.tgz ?

Hi Leen,

say, you have your configspace in /srv/fai/config/, then you'd copy your
base.tar.gz to /srv/fai/config/basefiles/MYCLASS.tar.gz, where MYCLASS
obviously is the name of the class that will use this custom base.tar.gz.


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