FAI Djangofied

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Thu Sep 10 18:26:02 CEST 2009

>>>>> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:45:23 +0200, Peter Bittner <peter.bittner at thalesgroup.com> said:

    > In order to make your application work the default tftpd server
    > installed with FAI needs to be replaced by the patched TFTPy. Does this
    > have any negative consequences? @Thomas: If faimgr turns out to be popular will
    > the default tftp server be TFTPy in future FAI releases?
I don't think that TFTPy will become the default for FAI. The package
fai-server recommends tftpd-hpa or tftpd, so you can choose whatever
you like. Currently, I do not like to use a python implementation as
default daemon.

regards Thomas

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