Adding new NIC driver to faiinstall kernel

Carsten Aulbert carsten.aulbert at
Tue Nov 24 14:30:30 CET 2009

On Tuesday 24 November 2009 10:35:26 Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 10:05:10 +0100, Carsten Aulbert
> >>>>> <carsten.aulbert at> said:
> >>>>>
>     > the systems afterwards are running Greg's 2.6.27.y kernel. Our latest
>     > systems feature an Intel ...75L NIC which was only introduced into
>     > 2.6.28. We managed
>     >
>     >  Any idea?
> Use the grml kernel with FAI.
Thanks Thomas, you hit the nail on the head.

I did it slightly differently (without redoing the NFS root):

(1) copy grml kernel and aufs modules package to nfsroot
(2) bind mount /proc into nfsroot
(3) chroot into nfsroot
(4) install grml kernel image and aufs modules 
(5) generate initrd in there
(6) copy the vmlinux and initrd to tftp/fai area

in principle that's all.

Thanks for the fast reply!



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