fai3.3 + karmic

Bent Meyer askldj-fai at ko-sys.com
Wed Nov 11 00:41:54 CET 2009

Stephan Hermann schrieb:
> When you had it running on Ubuntu karmic, please explain how you did it
> (especially the tricky parts, as you said)

Well, I had it running well on jaunty incl. some tricky parts. Now it's
broken in some way. Grub seem to work well. As far as I remember I used
the standard fai script from the examples, *but* removed any fcopy
files/scripts, so that the deb packages take care of generating a
working menu.lst file. I did not change anything at the transition to

[not working sshd]

> Depending on what meta package you installed?
> e.g. openssh-server is not added by default, only on the server part,
> when you install ubuntu manually. So you need to add this package
> explicitly to your install packages.
I install openssh-server and server tasks (with is redundant, I think).

> The "root" is totally disabled on Ubuntu by default, use sudo instead
> (the standard ubuntu way). If you need to reconfigure it, you can do
> that via debconf, but TBH I don't give that advise.

"root disabled" means, the password's hash is set to "!", but fai sets a
password "fai". That worked on jaunty, but now it seems broken somehow.
(And I do not create a user at fai time, yet.)

> When you have the time (I know, nobody has time, including me), you
> could help us to get FAI back into Ubuntu, and make it rock hard :)

Actually I have *very* few time now. But since this task is kind of
important to me I am going to spend some time on it. I am gonna start at
early december. (Maybe I am going to switch to Lenny on the server side.)

I am going to develop an Ubuntu based consumer appliance system which
should enter production mid/end of next year. So maybe one day I am
going to install some 1000+ hosts, maybe 10.000+?


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