FAI 3.3: config space per NFS not mounted, rpc.statd not running

Alexander Bugl alexander.bugl at zmaw.de
Tue Nov 10 16:39:15 CET 2009

Hi all,

today I upgraded FAI to the brand new v3.3, and now I have this problem:

The client is not able to mount the config space using NFS (which worked
In /etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf I defined:
# location of the configuration space on the install server
The config space is correctly exported from there, I can mount it from
my workstation without problems.

But on an install client the config space is not mounted. It looks like
rpc.statd is not running. I get the error message:
mount.nfs: can't get address for
WARNING: directory /var/lib/fai/config/class not found.
and prcessing stops ...

(The missing server name seems to be another problem, which might be an
incorrect /etc/resolv.conf ...)

Manual mount:
# mount -t nfs <SERVER>:/srv/fai/config /var/lib/fai/config
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.

If I start rpc.statd by hand, a mount succeeds:
# /sbin/rpc.statd
# mount -t nfs <SERVER>:/srv/fai/config /var/lib/fai/config
-> OK

Any suggestions/ideas, what is wrong (in my setup or in FAI)?

With regards, Alex

Alexander Bugl,  Central IT Services, ZMAW
Max  Planck  Institute   for   Meteorology
Bundesstrasse 53, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
tel +49-40-41173-351, fax -356, room PE048

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