setup-storage: error

Alexander Bugl alexander.bugl at
Fri May 15 16:02:49 CEST 2009

Hi again!

>     >> > So disk-info tests if the group of /dev/sda is disk -- and in my case it is:
>     >> > # ls -al /dev/sda
>     >> > brw-rw---- 1 root floppy 8, 0 May 15 10:36 /dev/sda
>     > dmesg.log:
> Your dmesg looks fine. One disk, called sda. So it's not the kernel.
> What does cat /proc/partitions say?

# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

   8     0  143247360 sda

> P.S.: If you join the #fai channel on help will be much
> quicker than via email.

I leave off work in a few minutes, if nobody has a good idea until
Monday, I will join you on IRC.

With regards, Alex

Alexander Bugl,  Central IT Services, ZMAW
Max  Planck  Institute   for   Meteorology
Bundesstrasse 53, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
tel +49-40-41173-351, fax -356, room PE048

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