FAI 3.2.15+ Error make-fai-nfsroot on amd64 only ?

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Mon May 4 20:22:03 CEST 2009


> Here is the execution in 64-bit:
> [root at kayak /root]# LC_ALL=C debootstrap --verbose --exclude=dhcp-client,info etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir http://etch.apt.mydomain/debian/base/amd64
> I: Validating Packages
> I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
> I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
> I: Checking component main on http://etch.apt.wul.qc.ec.gc.ca/debian/base/amd64...
> I: Validating adduser
> I: Validating apt
> I: Validating apt-utils
> I: Validating aptitude
> I: Validating base-files
> .....
> I: Configuring klogd...
> I: Configuring tasksel-data...
> I: Configuring sysklogd...
> I: Configuring tasksel...
> I: Base system installed successfully.
> [root at kayak /root]# echo $?
> 1
> The execution ends with an error message of "1" although it states "I: Base system installed successfully."
> ---------------
> Now here is the same execution on 32-bit:
> LC_ALL=C call_verbose debootstrap --exclude=dhcp-client,info etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/i386/live/filesystem.dir http://etch.apt.mydomain/debian/base/i386
> Voici l'exécution:
> [root at turbulence:~]# debootstrap --verbose --exclude=dhcp-client,info etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/i386/live/filesystem.dir http://etch.apt.mydomain/debian/base/i386
> I: Validating Packages
> I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
> I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
> I: Checking component main on http://etch.apt.wul.qc.ec.gc.ca/debian/base/i386...
> I: Retrieving adduser
> I: Validating adduser
> I: Retrieving apt
> I: Validating apt
> I: Retrieving apt-utils
> I: Validating apt-utils
> I: Retrieving aptitude
> I: Validating aptitude
> I: Retrieving base-files
> I: Validating base-files
> ....
> I: Configuring klogd...
> I: Configuring tasksel-data...
> I: Configuring sysklogd...
> I: Configuring tasksel...
> I: Base system installed successfully.
> [root at turbulence:~]# echo $?
> 0
> [root at turbulence:~]#
> This time everything is running smoothly ... 
> So I've simply reverted back to the previous state:
> 247     yes '' | LC_ALL=C call_verbose debootstrap $FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS $1 $NFSROOT $2
> 248 #    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
> 249 #       echo "ERROR: debootstrap did not complete successfully."
> 250 #       echo "This is mostly caused by a broken mirror."
> 251 #       echo "Please check your mirror or use an official mirror."
> 252 #       [ "$verbose" ] || echo "Call make-fai-nfsroot -v for better debugging."
> 253 #       exit 10
> 254 #    fi
> And it now works properly.
> Could a "fix" be made so that it works on both lenny & etch?

I guess it is possible to add a workaround, but I'd rather suspect this to be a
bug in debootstrap. Would you mind filing a bug against it?


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