Multiple NICs, partial success, partial weirdness

Thomas Lange lange at
Tue Mar 3 12:01:01 CET 2009

>>>>> On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 11:44:35 +0100, Carsten Aulbert <carsten at> said:

    > $ grep 'IPADDR' install-200903*/boot.log
    > install-20090302_191531/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090302_192700/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090302_193420/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090302_194559/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090303_094231/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090303_095307/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090303_095806/boot.log:IPADDR=''
    > install-20090303_103633/boot.log:IPADDR=''

    > Thomas, could there be a race condition when multiple DHCP servers are
    > available and one replies faster then the other?

    > I'm wondering because */dhclient.log only ever shows one reply but never
    > both....
grep DHCPOFFER */dhclient.log

will show you which DHCP server had sent the IP address.
regards Thomas

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