FAI & Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

Richard Grant rfg3 at mcs.le.ac.uk
Tue Jun 9 17:03:59 CEST 2009

I tried using the make-base-tgz script that I had from the 
fai-distributions package I installed a long time ago, and have been 
using successfully to install ubuntu up to and including hardy, using 
fai 3.1.8. It made a UBUNTU_JAUNTY.tar.gz which I tried to use. However, 
it did not work. And, in fact, it seemed the script did something 
strange to the nfsroot as then I could no longer install even when I 
removed the new tar.gz and just tried installing with base.tgz as 
before. I had to recreate the nfsroot, and then things worked again as 

I didn't spend too long investigating, though - creating a jaunty 
base.tgz from scratch seemed the simpler method (and we only ever want 
to install ubuntu jaunty with this setup of fai).



Henning Sprang wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I realized a mistake in my questioning:
> What situation do you mean with "otherwise it didn't work"?
> Did you really try to put something(specifically, a
> debootstrapped-minimal jaunty image) like MY-UBUNUT-JAUNTY-CLASS.tar.gz
> into basefiles and let FAI extract this image, as described in the
> mentioned wiki page?
> Or did you just try to "upgrade" a lenny base image to Jaunty by
> changing the apt sources.list to be an Ubuntu one?
> The first should work the same as changing the base.tgz in the nfsroot,
> but is a bit cleaner, and reservese the possibiliyt of installing plain
> debian and others nicely, and I can not imagine how the problem
> described could happen that way.
> While the latter most defintely can only fail.
> Henning

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