GPT disklabels

Jean Spirat jeanspirat at
Sat Jan 31 07:02:08 CET 2009


  It seems that setup storage support gpt partition type but from my 
test linux do not like it as udev utils do not see the disk correctly 
leading to fai problems:

Parted works:

Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
linux-swap 17408B 4294984703B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 4294984704B 15032402943B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 15032402944B 15346975743B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 15346975744B 26084393983B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 26084393984B 36821812223B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 36821812224B 42190521343B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 
ext3 42190521344B 249999982591B
Executing: udevsettle --timeout 10 && parted -s /dev/sda set 1 boot on

but  /lib/udev/vol_id  fail and fai stop on this error:

Executing: /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda6
Command /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda6 had exit code 4
Failed to obtain UUID for /dev/sda6
Traceback: task_error task_partition task task_install task task_action 
task main
FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.

when you test:

root at aqded01:/# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda6
/dev/sda6: unknown volume type
root at aqded01:/# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda5
/dev/sda5: unknown volume type
root at aqded01:/# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda4
/dev/sda4: unknown volume type
root at aqded01:/# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda3
/dev/sda3: unknown volume type
root at aqded01:/# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda1

so basicaly udev utils seems limited to msdos partition type , Anyone 
ever used GPT style partitions they seems more robust the msdos ones  ?


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