FAI for other distros: help needed?
Henning Sprang
henning at sprang.de
Sat Feb 28 20:43:35 CET 2009
Rich Henning wrote:
> Sorry for the delay, guys. I had a pretty good cycling accident on the
> way to work yesterday so i'm out of commission for a few days but i'll
> be happy to try this when I get back and have some test time.
I wish you the best to heal your blessings!
> I'm
> likely to try it w/ CentOS 5.2 if that's reasonable.
I don't really remember what version of Redhat I did the stuff for(hmm,
probably rhel5 if I look at the yum.conf. But it's a slowly moving
target, so there won't be large problems - maybe you'll have to adjust
some package names or something. Let us know!
Attached a script and yum conf to build minmal base image for a redhat
install to put into the basefile directory of the configspace.
(hmm, I should have placed that in the wiki already, didn't I? Too lazy
to look now...)
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname : make-base-tgz.sh
Dateityp : application/x-sh
Dateigr??e : 474 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar
URL : http://lists.uni-koeln.de/pipermail/linux-fai/attachments/20090228/7fdc1e2c/attachment.sh
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt.
Name: yum.conf
URL: http://lists.uni-koeln.de/pipermail/linux-fai/attachments/20090228/7fdc1e2c/attachment.bat
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