Still puzzled by setup-storage

Carsten Aulbert carsten.aulbert at
Mon Dec 28 16:11:39 CET 2009

Hi all,

I'm still puzzled by setup-storage (fai 3.2.17~lenny1). Imagine a server with 
two (locical) device sda and sdb and the following disk_layout:

disk_config disk1 disklabel:msdos bootable:1

primary  /boot         128      ext3     rw,errors=remount-ro
primary  /             8000   ext3      rw
primary  swap          8192    swap     sw
logical  /var         20000        ext3    rw
logical  /tmp         2000         ext3    rw
logical  /local        5000-       ext3    rw,nosuid createopts="-
m1",tuneopts="-c0 -i0"

disk_config disk2 disklabel:gpt preserve_reinstall:1
primary     /data               1000-   xfs     rw

This one does preserve the data partition upon a reinstall as I want it. 
However, when I put new disks into this system, it will barf at me, as I've 
not given it the "initial" flag and terminate the install. If I keep the 
initial flag, data would be wiped out during the install.

With preserve_always it will stop the install if this partition does not exist 
or will keep it, if it's already there.

Is there a generic way to do "create the partition if it's not yet present 
otherwise keep it?"



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