setup-storage : Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Wed Dec 2 17:57:46 CET 2009

Hi Rudy,


> Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
> Starting setup-storage 1.2+exp
> disklist was: sda
> Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/SHIBBOLETH_IDP
> Input was:
> disk_config disk1 fstabkey:label bootable:1
> primary /boot       200       ext3    rw createopts="-L boot"
> primary swap        2048      swap    sw createopts="-L swap"
> primary /           6000-      ext3    rw createopts="-L root"
> (CMD) parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print 1> /tmp/UXGbXHwzKb 2> /tmp/7eDHVb2DO7
> Executing: parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
> Command parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print had exit code 1
> INTERNAL ERROR in setup-storage:
> Table header not seen yet
> Please report this error to the Debian Bug Tracking System.
> (STDOUT) Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument
> Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task
> task_install task task_action task main
> Save log files via ssh to fai at
> FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.
> bash: no job control in this shell

I'm not entirely sure about this, but maybe this is a new error message that
parted prints if the disk does not contain a disk label (i.e., is brand-new or
had been zeroed) or some disklabel that parted doesn't understand. Could that be
the case or should the disk in fact have a label readable by parted?

I'll have a look at the corresponding code in parted and probably this is just
an error that must be acknowledged and a new disklabel be written by force.


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