creating base image

Rajesh pant rishee.k.pant at
Thu Aug 13 07:25:40 CEST 2009

hello list,
i am trying to create base image of the distribution i want to install
using fai.
And for this reason i am using pbuilder tool.
but when i run
#create pbulder
it gets the following errors.

W: /root/.pbuilderrc does not exist
Distribution is tejas.
Building the build environment
 -> running cdebootstrap
E: Unknown suite tejas
pbuilder: cdebootstrap failed
 -> Aborting with an error
 -> cleaning the build env
    -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//5162 and its subdirectories

"tejas" is the latest version of the distribution for which base image
has to be made.
could you suggest what needs to be done.
thank you.

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