Etch amd64 mirror broken? - Packages.gz was corrupt

Fortier,Vincent [Montreal] Vincent.Fortier1 at EC.GC.CA
Wed Apr 29 20:36:55 CEST 2009

Hi all,

Seems it is my fai problem resolving day... I have a problem only with
my 64-bit etch fai when I try to recreate the nfsroot??

I get this error message:
[root at kayak /root]# fai-setup -vvv
Account $LOGUSER=fai already exists.
Make sure that all install clients can
log into this account without a password.
User account fai set up.
Using configuration files from /data/fai/config/service/QC/amd64
Creating FAI nfsroot in /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir.
By default it needs more than 390 MBytes disk space.
This may take a long time.
Creating base system using debootstrap version
Calling debootstrap etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir
I: Retrieving Packages
I: Validating Packages
md64/Packages.gz was corrupt
I: Retrieving Packages
I: Validating Packages
md64/Packages was corrupt
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
W: Failure trying to run: chroot
/data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir mount -t proc proc /proc

I've tried changing my FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="etch" but I get the exact same error with
Calling debootstrap etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir [^]
I: Retrieving Packages
I: Validating Packages
[^] was corrupt
I: Retrieving Packages
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
W: Failure trying to run: chroot
/data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir mount -t proc proc /proc

Everything used to be working really really smoothly until recently (we
actually noticed that on april 17th).

Lastly, our 32bit fai runs without a flaw and I can update my nfsroot
without any problems using either or my local debmirror.

Help, again, greatly appreciated!

- vin

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