setup-storage 1.0.4 - ERROR (line 11): Invalid file: Was expecting /\Z/ but found

Fortier,Vincent [Montreal] Vincent.Fortier1 at EC.GC.CA
Wed Apr 29 14:29:28 CEST 2009

Hi All,

Using 3.2.18/3.2.19 I'm now getting this error using LVM:

Calling task_action
FAI_ACTION: install
Performing FAI installation. All data may be overwritten!

Calling task_install
Calling task_partition
Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
Starting setup-storage 1.0.4

      ERROR (line 11): Invalid file: Was expecting /\Z/ but found "vg00-
                       lvol_root / 10000 xfs defaults -" instead
Syntax error
Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/DESKTOP
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task
task_install task task_action task main

Here is my disk configuration (which used to work with 3.1.14):
disk_config disk1 bootable:1
primary         /boot   256     ext3    defaults
primary         -       2048    swap    rw
primary         -       10240-  -       -
# config LVM
disk_config lvm fstabkey:uuid
vg              vg00               disk1.3
vg00-root  /                       5120         xfs       defaults
vg00-var   /var                    3072         xfs       defaults
vg00-opt   /opt                    1024         xfs       defaults
vg00-tmp   /tmp                    1024         xfs       defaults

Help/patch greatly appreciated!

- vin

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