nfs-kernel-server and nfs-user-server

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Mon Sep 1 13:38:23 CEST 2008

> >>>>> On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 10:36:40 +0200, Jean Spirat <jeanspirat at> said:
>     >  is there a way to use the nfs-user-server with FAI (debian etch) and 
>     > not the kernel one ?
> AFAIK the user server do not support the no_root_squash option, which
> is needed for FAI.

I'm not sure about the no_root_squash option, I think that one would be okay.
But tcp support and nfsv3 is, IMHO, not supported by the user-space server. But
a little patching should make things work for those that need to use the
user-space variant.


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