fcopy help

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Wed Oct 22 18:40:03 CEST 2008

> when I create a file with fcopy, is there a way to set the owner and
> group of the directory it is created in?
> here's what I did:
> fcopy /home/bill/.ssh/authorized_keys
> which creates the directory /home/bill/.ssh , and copied in the
> authorized_keys, and it set the owner group and permissions of
> authorized_keys like I have specified in file-perms
> root owns the directory /home/bill/.ssh/ .  I'd like the user 'bill'
> to own /home/bill/.ssh .  I'd like the permissions of /home/bill/.ssh
> to be 700.

I think 

man fcopy

should give you more info than I could possibly post here.


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