FAI 3.2.12: new problem with setup-storage

Nicolas Courtel courtel at cena.fr
Fri Oct 17 11:31:46 CEST 2008

Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
> Thanks for the detailed report, this is now known as bug #502462 and fixed in
> the experimental packages which are now available using
> deb http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/download experimental koeln
> in your sources.list (you need to tweak /etc/fai/apt/sources.list as well). This
> is in fact the first time that the experimental builds are available in a proper
> apt repository, so consider this as a very first announcement :-)

The experimental repository et FAI version both work fine, I have 
checked that both problems I've had are now fixed.

The only thing I've seen that could work better is management of errors 
in the disk config file: with the following files, setup-storage seems 
to crash, and even suggests to report the bug, whereas it could just say 
that the file is lousy.

File 1: forget the line for the preserved primary partition

disk_config sda     preserve_always:1 bootable:2

primary        /boot         512    ext3    rw
logical        -           37000-    -    -

disk_config lvm
vg vg0 sda5
vg0-swap    swap        2048    swap    sw

File 2: define a primary partition and use a logical one

disk_config sda     preserve_always:1 bootable:2

primary         -                  0    -       -
primary        /boot         512    ext3    rw
primary        -           37000-    -    -

disk_config lvm
vg vg0 sda5
vg0-swap    swap        2048    swap    sw

Thanks for setup-storage, and all these quick fixes, it's a very nice tool!

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