any clue why this would happen in disk_config / etch

kegstand kegstand at
Fri Nov 14 00:15:43 CET 2008

> Ok, so we'll need to debug that script. Could you send the output of ls -la
> /dev/sda? I think it must be line 18 that fails.

reminder, my fai server is etch ( not etch-and-a-half) , fai 3.2.8
packages all around.

on the fai-client:

db2-interface2:~# file /dev/sda
/dev/sda: block special (8/0)
db2-interface2:~# ls -la /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root floppy 8, 0 Nov 14 05:44 /dev/sda

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