FAI on Debian Lenny failing

Nicolas Courtel courtel at cena.fr
Thu May 15 18:04:43 CEST 2008

Michael Tautschnig a écrit :

>>It was failing when it was trying to insert the unionfs modules. I don't
>>have the web sites that I found that others were having the same issue. I
>>just did a Google search on it.
>Is there anybody else on the list who has tried to use current FAI on lenny?
>We should really get FAI in shape for lenny :-), even though all of us prefer
>stable systems...
I had the same unionfs problem, which is Debian bug #469338, supposed to 
be fixed in 2.6.25.
It might be better for FAI to use aifs than unionfs, thought, as 
suggested in the replies to the bug report.


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