Problem with setup_harddisks

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Sat May 3 20:19:56 CEST 2008


> As disk-config, we are using:
> disk_config disk1
> primary  /boot/         10-100                  ; boot
> primary  -              preserve2
> logical /               9000-14000      rw,errors=remount-ro ;  -j ext3
> logical swap            400-600         rw
> logical -               preserve7
> >From that, the following partition.hda - file is created:
> unit: sectors
> /dev/hda1 : start=        63, size=     79569, Id= 83, bootable
> /dev/hda2 : start=     80325, size=  20482875, Id=  c
> /dev/hda3 : start=  20563200, size=  57560895, Id=  5
> /dev/hda4 : start=         0, size=         0, Id=  0
> /dev/hda5 : start=  20563263, size=  20635713, Id= 83
> /dev/hda6 : start=  41199039, size=    907137, Id= 82
> /dev/hda7 : start=  42106428, size=  36017667, Id=  c
> which looks quite reasonable - except may bo for the partition /dev/hda4?
Hmm, yes. I don't know whether this is a bug in setup_harddisks or some problem
with your prior partitioning. To rule out the former, could you try adding
another primary partition (maybe as small as 16MB, just for the sake of
debugging this? It shouldn't affect the 7th partition).

> But setup_harddisks seems to have a problem with that:
> Creating partition table: LC_ALL=C sfdisk -q  /dev/hda <
> /tmp/fai/partition.hda
> Warning: The partition table looks like it was made
>   for C/H/S=*/255/63 (instead of 77504/16/63).
> For this listing I'll assume that geometry.

Well, this might be the other possible cause: sfdisk might be confused about the
geometry; usually, this requires adding the --force option to sfdisk (by adding
export sfdisk="--force" to an appropriate .var file in class/).


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